By using the service provided by this site you acknowledge and agree to the following terms of service/use:
1. This service is not to be used to download audio and video that is copyrighted.
2. Audio quality is not guaranteed. MP3 audio is extracted from the flv video file as-is.
3. Only download < 5 mins video!
Your are the only responsible for the data which it sends to servers. One is reminded that the illicit exchanges of recordings and protected works as well as the hacking harm artistic creation. One is reminded that also nonthe respect of the laws in force, in particular those concerning the respect of the intellectual and artistic property, can give place to continuations and judgments. Any failure or complaint of having rights will irremediably involve the removal of the files in question. is a free service, which does not offer any guarantee of any kind as for its use. You can use for any activity, personal or profesional.
Piracy: We do not condone piracy in any form. Our goal that this tool be used to obtain legal audio that would otherwise be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find. Youtube is a perfect source for these audio clips.
To combat abuse, we purposely do NOT allow searching of audio files on our site, nor do we present a directory of files for browsing. Additionally, audio files obtained from Flash video are normally low bitrate - low quality compared to an mp3 you would purchase or convert from a CD.
This site is just a simple tool, and we hope you will find it useful.
- If you are the copyright owner of any material and would like to block the conversion of any videos to mp3 or flv/mp4, please contact us via the Contact Page. We will block the conversion of those videos.
- Anything you believe is copyright infringement, please contact us and let us know and we will block those videos from converting.
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